Becoming a Member
Current members may recommend potential new members who they believe share the Club vision. To become a member of the WE Rotary Club of International Peace you must be proposed by a current member of the club. If you are interested in membership in our club, visit meetings and, if you want to explore membership further, contact our Membership Chair.
Time Commitment
Members are expected to attend club meetings that are held every other week via Zoom. The meeting time may be difficult for some as we have members who live in different countries around the world. Members who cannot attend a meeting are expected to view the video that is made available to members. While there is not a required number of meetings for retaining membership, members are expected to attend, and to let the Club President or Membership Chair know if they will be absent for a time. Members are encouraged to visit Rotary Club meetings that are available to them in their areas where they live. Rotarians are always welcome at Rotary Club meetings everywhere.
Financial Obligations
The WE Rotary Club of International Peace keeps club dues as low as possible so as to be inclusive. Our semi-annual dues are $120 ($20 a month). The Club Treasurer sends out invoices for the dues that can be paid either by PayPal or by contacting the treasurer to arrange another method of payment. Our club is required to pay dues to Rotary International for all members so it is important for members to pay dues promptly. Rotary is a service organization with the motto “Service Above Self.” Our Club sponsors service projects focused on peace building. Members are encouraged to contribute to these projects.